Residential Framing, Maximum Allowable Spans |
This spreadsheet is derived from the previous example which listed the allowable wood stresses for various member sizes. To know how far each member can span we must first describe the loads that are to be supported. Use your scroll buttons to move to the right (past column "H"). You'll see that I have added two areas: "Loading Data" and "Loading Examples". The example dead loads (weights of construction materials & finishes) are expressed in terms of pounds per square foot of floor (or roof) area. Individual loads are listed in the "Loading Data" area. You will need to overwrite the example loads when you work on your project. The total of all dead loads is automatically updated as you complete each entry. Project live loads (loads related to occupancy or use) are entered next. Live loads can include temporary roof loads during construction, snow loads, or residential floor loads (40 psf).
Scroll back to the right. In the Calculation Region you'll see that four checks are made:
The smallest span of the four results becomes the maximum allowable span for that member. With some bookkeeping, I also preserve the reason for the limiting condition - Strength, Area, Dead Deflection or D+L Deflection. These are listed under Reason to the right of the Maximum Span values. Knowing the maximum span for a member is helpful when checking existing construction, but does not really help us when designing new construction. I'll begin to address this in the next example. |
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